Sunday, January 20, 2013

Second Week: What I've Lost and Gained

Week two of changing our life style. How's it going?
Well, on Monday (last week) I weighed myself, dreading the whole stepping on the scale thing, hoping that I had lost a pound at least. Well, I have lost 4 pounds! Definite motivation to continue working out and eating well.
Of course, this second week, I have had all sorts of things thrown at me to hinder my progress. This time around my body was especially cruel. I had two full blown migraine days in a row. And it still hung on two days after. So, there has been a bit less vigorous workout: but I have been logged 5-7 miles a day on my exercise bike. I decided to not give up: no matter what. There will always be something that will come along to try to break up my determination.
Second week of spending morning time with Jesus was as much of a workout as my physical workout. In addition to reading in the Bible and spending time in prayer, I have been getting my butt kicked by George MacDonald. Knowing the Heart of God is a compilation of MacDonald's writings, poems, etc. I felt moved to purchase this book probably 13 plus years ago. The first time I attempted to read it I did not understand half of what was being said so, I gave up after a couple of chapters. Several times over the past decade or so, I have started to get rid of the book, but each time I would feel a check that I would need it one day. Interestingly enough, when I determined to start spending time studying scripture, being with God, etc, that book immediately popped into my head. It has definitely been challenging, and rewarding.
What else have I lost? The weight of mistrust, negative attitudes, some bitterness. Of course some sleep as I attempt to wake up at 6:15 every morning to work out. Admittedly I go back to bed a little after 8 for about an hour and a half. But, for a lover of sleep, this is a sacrifice when I do not get to bed until 1 ever night. But, because of my staying up late (usually talking and hanging out with my sister)  I am gaining a deeper relationship with my sister as we work through reestablishing our once air-tight relationship. Now to balance out and get figure out how to still hang out and get to bed earlier.
Another gain is a deeper relationship and unity with Clay. It's wonderful and encouraging that the more time you spend with God, the more your other priorities line up. Clay and I are furthering out healthy lifestyles by changing out priorities and taking steps to manage our free time more wisely. Most of last year we spent feeling frazzled, too busy, and over-committed. As we enter our third year together and second year of marriage, we are taking a serious look at what kind of a marriage we want and we are aggressively pursuing open, honest communication with each other, preserving and deepening our friendships, while growing together in Christ as we minister together and fellowship with our Church family.
Week one of Financial Peace was not nearly as difficult as I had anticipated. I feel we were already on the same team with all the debt we have previously tackled: we just needed better tools and to get a bit of a leg up on encouragement. All the leg work, tears, frustrations, long talks and budgeting from the previous year and half have not been in vain.
So far, this year looks to be full of hard work, with exciting potential for amazing, God sized results!
We can do this! On to week three of life changes!