Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lessons Life Has Taught Me: # 1

    I intend for this to be a series of posts. So, I want to preface all of them with a couple points.
One-These lessons are based on my own experiences and interpretations of those events. It is not necessarily fact, although many have been confirmed and shared by my siblings.
Two-I am striving to look at the positive along with the negative. Also, I welcome comments and questions!
Welcome to: Lessons Life Has Taught Me 
Lesson# 1: When You Are One Of Many, You Are Easily Forgotten 
    I am the youngest of 5 children. My very first memory is of being left in the car in our driveway. I was alone. Staring at my little white shoes. You know, the white kinds more like boots that little ones wear when they are learning to walk? I had fallen asleep in the car after a shopping trip. Mom had unloaded everyone else and the groceries and went about her day. She happened to look out the window and saw me in the car, crying. I was forgotten other times: in stores, as a Children's Museum, in card. To this day, I still fight the urge to make everything between me and my siblings a comparison or competition to please some ambiguous entity. To be special and unique somehow. Otherwise I will be forgotten.
    It still surprises me when someone remembers my name. Or someone I don't know well invites me to hang out, or wants to invest in my life just because I am me. It is often hard to believe that I am anyone special. So, I shrink into the backdrop as much as possible. I believe it is much easier to not offer than risk being forgotten or rejected.
    When you're one of many, you realize you're part of a bigger picture. You are part of a community. There is always someone better than you, or worse off than you. Although I am an introvert, I do blend well in a community. My tendency is to let others lead, be a support because, after all, I shrink into the backdrop as much as possible and serve others. I will not pretend or imply that I am perfect. Above I talked about my tendency and fighting the desire to be recognized and to stand out. I do want to be important, I want to be somebody. So, my challenge is to recognize that, yes, I am a member of a community, as a human, as a daughter and sister, as a believer in Christ. And as a member of each community, I do have something to offer. So, I need to work on not hiding, and keep offering: I will only be forgotten if I hide. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Losing Marbles: Meeting Goals

        I told myself that I would update our marbles picture once I lost 10lbs...
     That day arrived today! :)

      Mine are red... all 10 of them! Clay's are clear... 13. I am reminding myself once again that this is not a competition. 4 of those pounds were lost in the last three weeks. I'm 11lbs away from my original goal of 185 by our anniversary. Which is today! But, I am not discouraged.  Juicing has definitely helped with energy and feeling healthier. I still crave chocolate and sweets but, not as much. We had an adventure trying 3 different restaurants on Saturday to get a Coke. It was so rare for us to eat out and for me to want a soft drink that Clay indulged me. 
      My goals got a bit off track when my chronic migraines and back pain flared up. So, 3 weeks ago I decided to finally call and schedule a chiropractic appointment. My first adjustment was extremely insightful. I discovered I had been living with chronic pain a 4 or more for about 20 years. I hope to get pics of the X-rays taken of my spine it was freaky! 3 adjustments in, 4th scheduled tomorrow, and I feel like my pain is about a 3. Yes, I'm a little excited. 
       So, dear readers, a questions to provoke interaction :) 
      Do you find it easier to become discouraged with a little progress (slow, steady and predictable) or when you progress by leaps and bounds and then plateau?