Saturday, March 14, 2015

Financial Organization Pt 2: Oh, Pretty Organizers!

Oh no! My trusty White Board and calendar are packed away, waiting for a move to our new house (whenever THAT may be) I need ways to keep track of bills, debt. If I don't, I will get so caught up in projects and day to day life, I forget what day it is. What do I do? 

Never fear! Remember, you have your planner in your purse. Remember on your best days you like to color code events anyway, just use your planner as your wall calendar and add the bill schedule to it. (Yes, I'm one of those people!) ***

Here's the planner I purchased in July at Wal-Mart. 
It's small enough to fit in my purse (always great for making appointments on the go), but because it is landscape styled, I can write multiple event on the actual days. I need the visual (usually coded with more color variety than you see here) of events in those neat little blocks. On the other page are three lists, such as Do, Call (shiver) and Buy.  Most helpful.

The brown pen marks? Those represent the monthly bills schedule. Most are listed on the calendar a couple of days before they are actually due so I will hopefully remember to schedule them before their due date. 
For example, On the 30th, I have written "Schedule 1st Bills" to remind myself that hey, bills are due on the first! Just because you can't see the first doesn't mean bills are not due! 

A couple of down-sides to a planner only VS planner and wall calendar...
1- I don't remember to ask Clay for his work schedule so I have found myself at a loss when making dinner (when I do...haha) for when he will be home. inevitable I think, oh, he'll be off at 6, but he arrives home at 5:30 instead, or sometimes dinner is cold because he gets home at 7 instead. Whoops. 
2- Plans with family and or friends can be a little more complicated to keep track of. Used to be we would write it on the calendar for both of us to see, plain as day. This just means we have to communicate more...Ok, maybe not that bad of a down-side after all. 

When I bought our calendar last year, I couldn't find one with pockets in which to store our monthly bill stubs. What could I do? They piled up on our mail center and it was getting a bit ridiculous. I need to keep utility stubs for tax purposes because we claim our home office. Hmm. 
In August, I was at Dollar General and found this sweet thing for $3

Hmmm.... not only a ledger but, oh look! Pockets!! 

My excitement was just a little bit silly, I admit, but it really has helped me fill in our financial organizational dividend. I write it all in pencil too, so it can be updated.
There are columns for due date, the bills, the amount, and the ever-important paid check-marking space! 
Extra spots to check mark? 


I began using this organizer immediately to store all those stubs. I continue to use this even after my White Board comes back. Especially to keep the bills organized. 

Yes, dear shall be used until you fall apart. Being from Dollar General, I hope this is much much later in the future than one would expect. 

Tother day I removed the stubs from August through December and put them in 
What are these you ask? Why next posting I shall show you. :) 

***Yes, I do have a smart phone and realize that there is an app for that. The calendar and reminders can exponentially help some people with everything I've shared here. However, as a visual/hands on learner, I very much prefer, and remember photographically when I write down events on a paper calendar. 

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