Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My Before I'm 40 Bucket List Part 2

In mid December, I will turn 30. Coupled with recent events in life, I have thought of what I have accomplished thus far, what goals I have met, etc. Thanks to an article by Jesse Carey in RELEVANT magazine entitled, "The Before You're 40 Bucket-list" I have created a Before I'm 40 Bucket List. I left some of his suggestions along with his descriptions, as well as substituted a couple of his items for some of my own. 
So, here are the other 10 out of 20 things to accomplish before my 40th birthday:

11- Apply for Your Dream Job
Don’t look back later in life with regret, wondering what could have been. Even if you don’t think you’re qualified for the job you’ve always dreamed of, at some point in your twenties or thirties, apply for the job you've always wanted. It may not lead to any dramatic career choice, but unless you give it a shot, you will never know.
My dream job has always been to be a stay at home Mom. There is not an application processfor that. But, I most definitely hope to make it there before I'm 40.

12- Take the Stage. Alone
Preach a sermon. Try stand-up comedy. Deliver a TED-like lecture. Find an opportunity to be alone on a stage in front of a crowd with nothing to move them but a microphone and your own thoughts. Public speaking can be terrifying—but it can also be exhilarating .
I have soloed often. The most impactfull stage moment occurred not entirely by myself: I spoke at my mother's memorial service following my four siblings. I was the one who introduced the congregational song. I should do this at every opportunity I can. 

13- Go on Another Road Trip of at Least a Thousand Miles
I've moved cross country before and rode and drove from NC to L.A already. I hope to make it back west, though. We have talked (my siblings and I) of going to Utah together. I really hope this happens. 

14- Write a Short Story
Everyone has a good story in them. Take the time to craft at least one good short story at some point in your twenties or thirties. You don’t ever have to publish it or even share it with anyone else, but it’s an exercise of self-analysis that everyone should go through at least once.
I thought it interesting that he put this on the list. I wrote my first story when I was 6. It was pathetic, but a start. My bucket list is to be a published novelist before I am 40. At one point in time (just last year, in fact) it was before I am 30. But this is not happening. I am at least working at it.

15- Go On a Mission/Humanitarian Aid Trip
The only thing that has prevented this before now is finances and times off work.I would even be open to going on the mission field for a year or so. If the opportunity presents itself.

16- Learn to Play a New Instrument
Grab that old guitar sitting in the attic, pick up a harmonic or go ahead and purchase that drum set you’ve always wanted. Who knows? Maybe you even a have a hidden talent that’s just waiting to be discovered.
Yay, guitar, viola violin.....I have always wanted to play piano, though: much better than I already pick out. But, we have no room for a piano. Not my mother's parlor grand piano anyway.  

17- Find a Mentor and a Mentee
You’re never too old to learn from someone older than you—and to teach someone younger.
I have tried for years to find a mentor. The closest I have is my sister. Not sure what I am doing wrong. Maybe it's my lack of quick trustin other people? 
I have been a mentor before. Wouldn't mind doing it again.

18- Memorize the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed, the Great Commission and the Beatitudes
By memorizing these relatively short items, you’ll be able to recite four key principles of Christian faith—how to pray (the Lord’s Prayer), your calling (the Great Commission), the teachings of the Gospel (the Apostle’s Creed) and how to live (the Beatitudes). 
Done it! Also know the Nicenene Creed thanks to years at the Episcopal Church. Maybe I can do more theology study and all that, too. 

19- Face your fear
Whether it’s public speaking, an aversion to water, the fear of rejection or a dislike of flying, you don’t have to totally conquer your fears in your twenties or thirties, but you should face them. Sign up for swimming lessons, go to Toast Masters or even seek counseling. Taking steps to control your fear as an adult will make sure it doesn’t have to control you.
Sometimes I feel I face a fear nearly every week. There has been at least one fear I conquer every couple of years. I used to be a terrified child and in a state of constant anxiety. 
Biggest fears I have faced this year: riding through an under water tunnel (fear of drowning). Responding to my mother's death: the fear that I had not truly forgiven her. 
My biggest fear to conquer is my own perception of what others think/will think of me. Not be intimidated by perceptions or misbeliefs. 

20- Sponsor a child
There are a ton of organizations (World Vision, Compassion International, ChildFund International), that will let you sponsor a child in need for less than your cell phone bill. 
I have sponsored a total of 3 children. This year, though, Clay and I started sponsoring a child together. A boy through the orphanage our church sponsors in India. 

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