Monday, April 1, 2013

Losing Marbles: Meeting Goals

        I told myself that I would update our marbles picture once I lost 10lbs...
     That day arrived today! :)

      Mine are red... all 10 of them! Clay's are clear... 13. I am reminding myself once again that this is not a competition. 4 of those pounds were lost in the last three weeks. I'm 11lbs away from my original goal of 185 by our anniversary. Which is today! But, I am not discouraged.  Juicing has definitely helped with energy and feeling healthier. I still crave chocolate and sweets but, not as much. We had an adventure trying 3 different restaurants on Saturday to get a Coke. It was so rare for us to eat out and for me to want a soft drink that Clay indulged me. 
      My goals got a bit off track when my chronic migraines and back pain flared up. So, 3 weeks ago I decided to finally call and schedule a chiropractic appointment. My first adjustment was extremely insightful. I discovered I had been living with chronic pain a 4 or more for about 20 years. I hope to get pics of the X-rays taken of my spine it was freaky! 3 adjustments in, 4th scheduled tomorrow, and I feel like my pain is about a 3. Yes, I'm a little excited. 
       So, dear readers, a questions to provoke interaction :) 
      Do you find it easier to become discouraged with a little progress (slow, steady and predictable) or when you progress by leaps and bounds and then plateau?



  1. Congrats on your weight loss and healthy eating!

    It's easier for me to keep going if i've made at least some progress and not plateaued. Unless, of course, i managed to meet my goal in one huge leap!

  2. Thanks for commenting! I'm excited to have reached double digits in weight loss at last.
    I often despair if progress is too slow. Or I will try even harder and burn myself out. I have been trying to remember that slow and steady progress is better than going backwards or being stagnant. :)
