Monday, March 11, 2013

A New Normal

I weighed myself this morning. I have gained two pounds. Rather annoying when I'm used to losing a pound a week. Last week consisted of eating out and then a deal of stomach troubles also. Bluh for some foods tasting good but not being good for you. 
On Monday, the day I found out about my Uncle's passing, I decided that queso, friends, and silliness was in order. So, with the boys dressed in nice shirts, bow ties, vests and dress pants and the two of us ladies semi-nice, we headed to get Mexican food. Fun was had. It helped keep me occupied so I was not totally consumed with grief. 
Tuesday night was the emotionally explosive night of my week. My husband came home from work to me sitting on the kitchen floor, holding a box of Hamburger Helper, laughing and crying while the dogs attempted to lick my face. My sister wisely decided to help me make dinner and my hubby ran to Dairy Queen to fetch me a Blizzard because he's awesome like that. In the end, it was a very good thing he left because I all out lost it as I have only allowed myself to once before. My reaction stemmed from grief, stress, lack of sleep, and deep pain fostered from years of mother issues. My reaction startled me: partly because for the first time in my life I did not feel guilty for losing control.
This weekend, I was exhausted, but emotionally it has been amazing. My family has been wonderful, supportive, loving, and just themselves. (All except my mother, on whom I lost it and have not communicated with since Tuesday night. It's extremely complicated)
I feel victorious! I did fall into unhealthy eating habits: ok, I didn't binge. I decided that it would be wise to not push myself but allow my body (which felt achy, fatigued and worn) to rest so, I didn't do my morning workouts. So, I was not surprised at all that over the past two weeks I have gained two pounds. All I could think about on Friday was, I cannot wait to work out again and get back to normal. Today I hopped back on my exercise bike, excited to turn on Batman: The Animated Series. Apparently, working out has become my normal now. Have I at last formed a habit?
Ok... this may have been a bit random. My routine is returning to normal and my emotions are great: I'm just waiting for my brain and body to catch up.

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