In two months to the day, I will turn 30. Coupled with recent events in life, I have thought of what I have accomplished thus far, what goals I have met, etc. Thanks to an article by Jesse Carey in RELEVANT magazine entitled, "The Before You're 40 Bucket-list" I have created a Before I'm 40 Bucket List. I left some of his suggestions along with his descriptions, as well as substituted a couple of his items for some of my own. are the first 10 of the 20 things I hope to accomplish before my 40th birthday:
1- Read the Entire Bible:
I realized that I have read the entire Bible throughout the course of my life, quite a few times. But never made it deliberately through the Bible in a year.
So I started it this year in January. I read anywhere from 1-3 chapters almost every day of the week (usually 5-6) from 2 books of seperate genres. I started out reading from an Old Testament and a New Testament book, but then started running out of NT books so, am saving 3 for later.
So, for example. I am reading through 1 Samuel (a historical book), and starting Ezekiel (a prophecy book) tomorrow . Genesis and Revelation I am leaving for last, because I have read through those books so many times in my previous failed efforts to read through the whole Bible in a year.
2- Finally Achieve My Goal Weight:
Why do I feel that I am always going to struggle with this?
And that's kind of the point. I will keep trying to be healthy.
3- Run a Marathon (or Some Kind of Endurance Race)
No matter what your current fitness level is, there are lots of options for you to take part in an endurance race. Whether it’s a 5K, Tough Mudder or a full-length marathon, choose a distance you’ll actually have to train for a few months to complete. Part of the joy of the accomplishment is looking back at all of the hard work you put in.
Now, this is one I would more likely do a walk than a run. This would be an accomplishment indeed.
4- Watch Every Film on the AFI Top 100
Back in 1998, the American Film Institute polled 1,500 leaders in the film community and asked them to help assemble the top 100 American movies ever made. The list (which was updated in 2007) contains some movies that you’ve probably already seen (like Rocky, Forest Gump, Star Wars and Jaws) but its the deeper cuts (like Rear Window, Stagecoach, Duck Soup and All Quiet on the Western Front) showcasing the evolution of filmmaking and American pop culture, that make the task of watching each film such a rich experience.
This is one Clay and I have talked about accomplishing anyway so, this could be fun :) Considering I've only seen 2 out of the titles he listed...I think I have a long way to go.
5- Pick a Country and Go Visit
Before you turn 40, pick at least one country that you’ve always wanted to visit, and make it happen. Create a plan to save a little money and store up some vacation time to go to the one place you’ve always wanted to see.
Le sigh... I have several countries I have always wanted to visit. The main two would be Germany and Great Britain (I know it's not 1 country but, yeah) It takes a lot of money...that we are currently using to pay off debt.
6- Speak a Second Language
If you are picking a country to go visit, why not try to also learn the language spoken there?
I started learning German and took Spanish at Asbury. I was once conversational in ASL. I want to do this. Maybe I still can. I would have time while we are saving up to go to learn German.
7- Write Letters to the Five People Who Have Most Impacted Your Life
Don’t make the mistake of not telling the important people in your life how much they’ve impacted you. Even if the letters are short, sometime before you turn 40, think of the five people who have helped shape you as an adult, and let them know what they’ve meant to you.
Maybe I should still do this even though some of those people have passed on.
8- Watch Every Season of a Few Great TV Shows
We are living in a golden age of television, in which critically acclaimed shows are the new Great American Novels. Pick out a few of the shows that will be remembered for making serialized TV important again, and watch them in their entirety. Marathon through a series like Arrested Development, The Walking Dead, The Wire or Breaking Bad, and see how the medium of television was reinvented in your generation.
Not sure entirely how noble a venture this is but, thanks to Netflix, Clay and I are working on it. Is there a list of these somewhere or is it just understood what shows are "great"?
9- Give Away Something Really Expensive
Before you turn 40, you should know the feeling of giving something away that costs a lot of money. Maybe you pool money with a couple of friends to buy a car for a single mom in need. Maybe it’s plane tickets for friend to go on a mission trip. Maybe it’s a bunch of really nice Christmas presents for kids who wouldn’t get any otherwise. At some point in your twenties or thirties, make it your personal goal to save enough money to give someone else something amazing.
I think this would be great! This is why we want to eliminate debt. So we CAN do stuff like this.
10- Create Something New Every Week
Whether it is a drawing, writting something, painting, needlework, flower arrangement, or do gardening. Do something creative at least once a week. :)