I decided to readdress the search for food senetvities that Clay and I started back in August of last year. He was researching two weeks ago and said he thoughtI should get tested for a gluten sensitivity, or try it myself. So, I set out on a 3-4 week journey to go gluten free before I slowly reintroduce it back into my diet and see how my body responds.
How my body has responded after a week:
How my body has responded after a week:
- i don't experience brain fog or mid-day fatigue. I thought this was a problem for every body. Although, maybe my new-found cup of coffee routine has contributed to that. I must say, it is nice to feel what being tired is becauseI have been able to be productive. Despite a huge set-back because I got my back out of whack.
- My cravings aren't as intense. I don't know whether it is because I am exercising self-control already by denying myself one of my favoite food groups. I am also thinking about what I eat again.
- I do not feel so sluggish. We're not eating out as much because, there are not as many options available.
So, overall this is progress. And I dont't miss it as much as I thought I would.
I will probably cut back a lot more even if I end up not having a sensitivity for gluten.
Overall. I feel good. The past 9 days have been a breeze.